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Friday, July 11, 2008

So you think you can text?

Enter the new LG Texting Champ... Beating more than 15,000 entrants, Nathan Schwartz, a 20-year-old Clyde, Ohio resident, took home the title of $50,000 in prize money and indisputable bragging rights for his speed-texting skills. The winning phrase was "Does everybody here know the alphabet? Let's text. Here it goes… AbcDeFghiJKlmNoPQrStuvWXy & Z! Now I know my A-B-C's, next time won't you text with me?" which Schwartz completed in sixty seconds. The contestants used any LG phones that featured full QWERTY keypads including the enV2, enV and Voyager. Beating more than 15,000 entrants, Nathan Schwartz, a 20-year-old Clyde, Ohio resident, took home the title of $50,000 in prize money and indisputable bragging rights for his speed-texting skills.

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