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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Geolocated photos into Google Maps or Google earth via Geo-RSS with ease

This may be old-school for some of you, others will appreciate this simple tip. All you need here is a Nokia N95 or other GPS-enabled device, some geotagged photos, a flickr account, a geo-RSS feed, and a Google account (optional) - read on for this simple GeoRSS photo feed, google map tutorial. If you use a GPS-enabled cameraphone (like the Nokia N95, N82, Nokia Navigator etc...) then you can easily post your photos to flickr or other online services (use a tool like Shozu to help with this). But did you know that Flickr creates a Geo-RSS feed from your photo stream? Even better, you can simply copy and paste your Geo-RSS feed location into the google maps search bar and voila... your photos are now available via Google maps to share with others, save to your mymaps or whatever the heck you want to do. Simply look at the bottom of your flickr page, you'll see options like RSS, GeoFeed and KML - yes you can easily open your photos in Google Earth too with a flickr provided KML file!

For users of Google, if you save your custom map in your MyMaps you'll have the ability to easily share your map feeds and you can even embed them in a webpage or blog.

Go to your flickr page, scroll to the bottomcopy the GeoRss feed url
jump back to google maps
paste the RSS feed url into the search bar and click "search maps"
click the "Link to this page" you can grab a link or embed the map into your webpage.

The link to this page provides a link back to Google Maps where you can view the photos

Selecting the Paste html code into your webpage is simple and displayed below - this is a live Google Map pulling my geotagged photos from the GeoRSS feed via Flickr.

View Larger Map

useful links:
Yahoo! Maps Web Services - GeoRSS v2 Reference


Mark said...

Hi Glenn,
Thanks for including ShoZu in your review :-) Great to see you are using some of our more advanced features such as Geotagging, cool idea to import it into Google maps too!


The ShoZu Blog

steverobbo said...

Thanks very much for the tips, as a recent N95 owner it's great to get this information from yourself.